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Total 413

Board List
NO Title Date Read
73 KCC Begins mVoIP Policy Direction Review 2011-05-18 8322
72 Inaugural Address of the Chairman 2011-05-18 8314
71 Full-scale Activation of 'Mobile Smart Life Service' based on NFC 2011-05-18 11677
70 World's first demonstration of '4G mobile communications system' 2011-01-25 10239
69 KCC announces results of Broadcasting Media User Behaviors Survey 2010 2011-01-25 8514
68 KCC sets out intensive measures for SPAM reduction 2011-01-21 7997
67 KCC prepares guidelines to minimize Wi-Fi interference 2011-01-18 8669
66 Chairman Choi See-Joong establishes bridgehead for Korean Wave in communications 2011-01-14 7092
65 adio Research Agency to host ITU Climate Change Standard Conference in Korea 2011-01-13 7197
64 Reform to people and business-centered broadcasting and communications device certification system 2011-01-11 7154

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