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Date 2022-12-21 Read 8545
On December 7, the Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Chairman Han Sang-hyuk) and the Community Media Foundation (Chairman Cho Han-gyu) held the ‘2022 Barrier-Free Content Contest’ award ceremony at the Bank Hall in Myeong-dong, Seoul.

The inaugural ‘2022 Barrier-Free Content Contest,’ held under the theme of “A media world where disabled and non-disabled people accompany one another,” was arranged so both disabled and non-disabled people could produce, enjoy and communicate together with media content.

The contest, open for two months from September to October, was composed of three categories: content for people with disabilities (video); content produced by people with disabilities (video); content produced by people with disabilities (photos). In the end, a total of 146 works were submitted.

The grand prize of this contest was a video produced by a physically disabled person, a sign language interpreter, and a deaf editor. The winning entry, titled, ‘Becoming a model that did not exist in the world before’ (producer, Lee Yu-jung), deals with the challenges of a disabled person becoming a photoshoot model. The work was acclaimed for conveying the message that disability can be treated as a positive and autonomous subject rather than a negative and distorted subject.

In his opening remarks, Chairman Han Sang-hyuk emphasized, “Media should serve as a medium for disabled and non-disabled people alike to break down barriers to freely enjoy, communicate, and empathize with each other.” He added, “We will provide support so everyone can enjoy and participate in media, with no one left behind.”

The award-winning works, including the grand prize, as well as detailed information about the works, can be viewed on the KCC website (www.kcc.go.kr) and the Community Media Foundation website (www.kcmf.or.kr).

In the afternoon of the same day, a conference will be held to discuss the current status of policies for media access for people with disabilities and to prepare measures to strengthen them under the theme of “Beyond inclusion and care toward digital accompaniment.”

Experts from various fields such as academia, organizations for the disabled, broadcasters, and the legal profession participated in this conference. The first session will present the status of changes in broadcasting policies for people with disabilities in major countries (UK and Japan) following changes in the digital environment, and discuss policy measures for people with disabilities on OTT platforms. The second session will introduce cases of strengthening media access for people with disabilities and include a discussion on diversity measures.
File (보도자료) 방통위, 2022 제1회 배리어프리 콘텐츠 공모전 시상식 개최(12.7).hwpx (보도자료) 방통위, 2022 제1회 배리어프리 콘텐츠 공모전 시상식 개최(12.7).hwpx
20221207_News_Release_Barrier_Free_Contest_Ceremony.docx 20221207_News_Release_Barrier_Free_Contest_Ceremony.docx
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