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Title Fifth Term of Korea Communications Commission Announces its Vision, “Happy Media together with the People”
Date 2021-01-28 Read 24667
Fifth Term of Korea Communications Commission Announces its Vision, “Happy Media together with the People”

On January 6, the fifth term Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Chairman: Han Sang-hyuk) announced its vision, “Happy Media together with the People” with three goals and 12 policy tasks.
Launched last August, the fifth term KCC focused its discussions on how communications services and media can earn the trust of the public, grow, and contribute to the people’s happiness amid the severe COVID-19 pandemic and intensifying media competition following the digital transformation.
The vision and policy tasks were determined through a collection of opinions from key communications organizations and experts, public ideas contests, and discussions among the KCC standing commissioners in order to reflect the voices of all groups of society.
On implementing the new vision and policy tasks, Chairman Han said, “Just like the saying ‘a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’, we, too, will achieve our goals step by step, no matter how long it takes. We will strive to provide comfort and happiness to the people through broadcasting and communications during the challenging Covid-19 pandemic.”
The fifth term KCC will veer away from the old regulatory framework, pioneering a new path for broadcasting and communications media. It will contribute to public happiness through the three goals of trusted media, growing broadcasting and communications, and user-centered digitally inclusive society and the 12 policy tasks which clarify the goals in greater detail.
Under the three goals of trust, growth and inclusivity, the fifth term KCC set the following 12 policy tasks to respond actively to the changes and circumstances in the broadcasting and communications environment.
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