Date | 2024-11-29 | Read | 2692 |
Telegram expresses its commitment to strictly responding to illegal information after contacting the KCC’s hotline The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Acting Chairperson Kim Tae-kyu) announced on November 19 that Telegram had responded to the KCC on November 9, reporting the designation of a person responsible for protection of youths via the hotline. Telegram also stated its position to strictly address illegal information and copyright violations. Previously on November 7, the KCC had requested Telegram to designate a person responsible for protection of youths and inform the KCC of the designation results. This request was made after the KCC paid attention to the increasing distribution of sexually exploitative materials using deepfake, mainly through Telegram. This effort aims to encourage Telegram to strengthen its self-regulation. Accordingly, Telegram designated a person responsible for protection of youths within just two days after the KCC’s request. It notified the KCC of the designation and replied via the email address of the hotline dedicated for administrative matters. According to the KCC, regarding the email sent to confirm whether the hotline email works properly, Telegram responded to the KCC within 4 hours, stating, “We will closely collaborate with the KCC.” The KCC has regarded Telegram’s prompt response in communicating with the KCC as encouraging. Going forward, the KCC plans to coordinate with Telegram to ensure that Telegram carries out works without disruption, as defined in the “Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection," including blocking and managing information harmful to youth and developing plans to protect youths through the person responsible for protection of youths in its services. “The continuous growth of Telegram in Korea, where its user base as well as its awareness is growing, requires building trust with both society and users,” said the Acting Chairperson. “We believe that strong communication with the KCC is key for building that trust,” he underscored. “Also, the KCC hopes that Telegram will fulfil its social responsibilities, including the proactive management of its services to prevent the distribution of illegal information, such as sexually exploitative materials involving deepfake, as Telegram has voluntarily promised to the KCC.” Meanwhile, Telegram has been extremely passive in its communication with governments and public organizations around the globe, while focusing on providing services mostly through its secret chats with an emphasis in security. However, the KCC has viewed that it is necessary to apply public regulations or deliberation to Telegram services. This is in response to frequent cases where address of links or passwords to chat rooms are distributed to a random group of people, leading to the spread of illegal information or the distribution of illegal information in public channel services. As a result, the KCC has officially urged Telegram to fulfill its obligations. ### The Korea Communications Commission |
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