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Title Recommendations for preventing novel coronavirus infection
Date 2020-02-04 Read 22702

질병관리본부(KCDC) 나부터 지키는 우리 모두의 건강 해외감염병 NOW / 질병관리본부 콜센터:1339 / Recommendations for preventing novel coronavirus infection
Recommendations for preventing infectious diseases / Wash your hands with soap and running water especially your palms and under your fingernails / Cover your mouth with your sleeve shen coughing! / If you experience respiratory symptoms such as cough, must wear a mask(mandatory when visiting health facilities) / Inform medical staffs of your travel history when visitng selected clinics / Consult with your local public health center or call 1339 or Area Code + 120 / if you are suspicious of contract an infectious disease
Recommendations when travelling in China / Do not touch animals, Avoid visting to local markets and health facilities, Do not contact with people who have a fever or respiratory symptoms(coughing, sore throat, etc.) / Wear a mask when coughing, Cover your mouth with your sleeve when coughing, Comply with personal hygiene recommendations / Report the health questionnaire upon arrival, after travelling in China, If you have fever and respiratory symptoms(coughing, sore throat, etc.) after returning home, please consult with local center or call 1339 or area code + 120
Date of issue : Jan 29. 2020
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