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The Market-friendly Regulatory Reform
The Market-friendly Regulatory Reform
Restrictions on the ownership in Satellite broadcasting and terrestrial DMB to be eased
- Equity to be achieved in competition with cable broadcasting, satellite’s main competitor by lifting cap on foreign shareholding in satellite broadcasting (currently 33%)
- Restrictions on shareholding per owner (currently 30%) to be relieved for struggling SME terrestrial DMB in order to boost new investment
- Small and Medium DMB Operators: YTN DMB, U1 Media and Korea DMB
Deregulations on broadcasting commercials and introduction of Media Representatives
- Deregulations on broadcasting commercials and introduction of Media Representatives to stimulate broadcast advertising industry and broaden market freedom
- Introduction of virtual advertisements, a new type of broadcast advertising reflecting the development of broad cast technologies
- Detailed measures to be outlined (permitted hours and genre etc.) after virtual advertising is defined in broad2017-09-25 casting law
- Competition introduced in the broadcast advertising market (preventing monopoly by KOBACO-)
- The impacts of competition on the broadcast advertising market and on other media including newspapers to be 2017-09-25 scrutinized and views of stakeholders to be reviewed before policy making
Improvement of entry into telecommunications market and pricing regulations
- Administrative work to be consolidated enabling all the key services available with just one time permission
- Shifting permission to registration system to be reviewed for the long term
- Permission on pricing to be revised in a way that promotes competition in the market and reduces financial burdens on households
New mid and long term policy direction to be offered
- New telecommunication policy direction to be defined to promote competition among operators and revitalize the market
- Merits of previous policies and changes in domestic and overseas market to be analyzed
- Based on the analysis, the optimal alternative to be reviewed to encourage competition and Investment